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Simple Email Marketing Solutions
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MailerLite Pricing Overview

MailerLite Pricing Plans
Free trial
Free plan
MailerLite has 3 pricing plans, from $0.00 to $19.00. A free trial of MailerLite is also available. Look at different pricing plans below and see what tier and features meet your budget and needs.
Free plan
/ month
/ month
Pricing information for MailerLite is supplied by the software vendor or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials. The pricing details were last updated on February 18, 2024 from the vendor website and may be different from actual. Please confirm with the vendor website before purchasing.

MailerLite Pricing Reviews

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Sep 24, 2019
Overall Rating:
Yuva V. avatar
Yuva V.
Co Founder / Director
"One of the best email marketing solutions that scales with your business"
What do you like best about MailerLite?

Everything boils down to a fine balance between price and features. Mailerlite has nailed this balance beautifully with their pricing structure. With the relatively modest monthly fee (feel free to research alternatives and you'll see why I believe Mailerlite has the best value), you get a tonne of features such as automatic emails, cart abandoned emails, popups AND you also get fantastic support from their team. You really should try them out. Been a happy customer for over 2 years now and I moved from MailChimp. I started out with a 2000 email list and have grown to about 7500 emails now and have upgraded plans twice and done so happily.

What do you dislike about MailerLite?

I wish for deeper integration with my Shopify store customer database, but there are limitations to that due to GDPR.

What problems is MailerLite solving and how is that benefiting you?

I'm using Mailerlite to acquire customer emails and to convert them into individuals who signup for an account on my webstore. I can then push these customers into various automated email chains that's designed to convert them into paying customers. My email list has a conversion ratio of 40% at the moment thank largely to the ability to automate emails based on customer behaviour and push signups into different workflows designed to convert them based on different behaviour.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Sep 25, 2019
Overall Rating:
Prakhar V. avatar
Prakhar V.
"Perfect email marketing solution for a blogger!"
What do you like best about MailerLite?

I'm a blogger, and since I'm the only person running my blog (for now), I was looking for an affordable email marketing service. While looking at other options, I found that they either have fewer features or they were way too expensive for my budget. That's where MailerLite came in to provide me the ultimate email marketing experience especially for beginners (and even advanced email marketers).

What do you dislike about MailerLite?

Honestly, there's nothing that I "dislike" about MailerLite. If I could suggest the company to improve, I would recommend looking at the competitors and see what features they provide. For example, some solutions have better email deliverability (but perhaps it costs more). But in general, If you can provide the same features and quality for the same price they charge, you'll be a winner and words will spread like fire! Couple that with continuing to provide great customer support, and you'll be the winner in the industry.

What problems is MailerLite solving and how is that benefiting you?

The user experience and the ease of using the service are remarkable. I love the pricing and the value I've gotten out of it. Email marketing is the core of my business and I couldn't do it without MailerLite. The automation, deliverability, reliability, segmenting, integration, usability, and customer support are the things that make MailerLite amazing.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Aug 02, 2022
Overall Rating:
Alex K.
"Thank the Gods of Email Marketing... someone finally built something I can fall in love with."
What do you like best about MailerLite?

MailerLite Team - YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!!! Thanks so much for building this tool... I was in agony using Mailchimp for way too long, and had experimented extensively with a bunch of other email marketing platforms. Nothing is as well thought out, easy to use, professional and cost-effective as MailerLite. I'm a bit stunned... I still 'almost' can't believe such a good email marketing platform could be built for such a reasonable monthly cost. I've already been bragging about it on social media to my entrepreneur friends and will continue to recommend you. I love that you have an easy affiliate option to invite friends to start using the service... I feel totally natural recommending it and have only been using it for a few weeks. I also started paying for it right away without the need for a trial - I could tell it was going to be what I needed just by the flow of the sales page and the feature set + pricing. The pricing is 1/4th what I was paying on Mailchimp. With all of the features I need and none of what I don't need. Building online forms is super easy and fun... their form templates rock, styling is a breeze and embedding them is simple and straightforward. Hooking forms into different audience segments is also really easy... Email template editing is intuitive. This is all a huge pain in Mailchimp... The layout and navigation of the entire platform makes sense and is easy to learn. I'm actually looking forward to, and am excited about learning all the features and brushing up on my email marketing chops - the first time in a long time I've felt this way - having been into email marketing for over 15 years. In the back of my mind I'm waiting to be let down because I have a long history of being frustrated by email marketing platforms... but I don't think it's gonna happen - I reached out to their customer service team and they got back to me right away with kindness, and a clear, easy answer to my question. Top marks all around :) Fan for life.

What do you dislike about MailerLite?

Nothing so far... quite literally - I haven't found a single thing I'd do differently... I'm still learning the ins and outs of some of the more advanced features, but I'm expecting those will be well thought out, easy to use and fun to implement as well. Also given the responsiveness of their team I'd expect they'd have answers, work arounds or improvements for anything I feel like I need.

What problems is MailerLite solving and how is that benefiting you?

Cost, ease of use, layout/navigation, correct/logical tool set, excellent customer service... overall that's making email marketing fun and exciting again for me - which is making me promote myself more, which helps me earn money, which greatly improves my quality of life and helps me be of service to people who need the gifts I have to offer.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Sep 24, 2019
Overall Rating:
Jürgen E.
"Unmatched package of value!"
What do you like best about MailerLite?

The list is long! I am in continuous amazement about the value MailerLite delivers to us at a more than competitive price! First: Customer Service is out of this world! We, as a regular client, get the most premium and timely service I have experienced anywhere! Requests are often met or replied to within minutes, barely every does it take more than a few hours. And it is more than obvious that there is a passionate urge to help us and to do the best that is possible to help with any issues, requests and challenges we have. Then the product itself: It's joyful, easy and intuitive to create campaigns with MailerLite. Finally I don't have to fuzz around with some heavy interface. Mostly intuitive and with all the templates and options that I need and imagine and more. The look of the results is great and people keep asking about our provide, because they like it as well! Then there is a wealth of regular tips on how to create effective campaigns and the value in those alone is priceless. You clearly see the passion of the team to really really support their clients and to go out of their way to do everything in their power, to make us successful. The tips alone could be sold for money, I mean it! Talking about money: It will be hard to find a competitor who can match the pricing of MailerLite, mostly with much less value delivered. The list goes on, but I stop here... :-)

What do you dislike about MailerLite?

That is a tough question. As in any product there are minor things I would like to optimize, but really nothing that is relevant enough to state as a "dislike".

What problems is MailerLite solving and how is that benefiting you?

Mainly MailerLite is so user friendly and fun to use that we are able to send out a campaign even daily, if we want, without spending much time and thinking about creating it. We stay in touch with our clients and prospects and we create more reactions, more sales and better client retention with MailerLite!

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Oct 19, 2018
Overall Rating:
Therese W.
"Easy, Functional, Reasonably Priced"
What do you like best about MailerLite?

The pricing structure is the best. Most campaign software only gives you limited access until you are a paying customer. Mailerlite doesn't. You get full access and then they charge you on a sliding scale according to how many subscribers you have. The monthly fee starts when you have 1000 subscribers.

What do you dislike about MailerLite?

Nothing major. One little thing, though. Scheduling a campaign or sending it happens on the same page, but when you select schedule, the button on the bottom doesn't change. It still says send. I have a date filed saying that it is sending later and it never messes up, but it always makes it nervous to push send. I really wish it would change to schedule.

What problems is MailerLite solving and how is that benefiting you?

Marketing is automated. We have it sent up so that when customers sign up on our website, they receive several videos in a series explaining how our company works. They are sold before anyone even talks to them.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Sep 27, 2019
Overall Rating:
Nicole H.
"The most cost-effective, powerful email system available"
What do you like best about MailerLite?

I've been using MailerLite for a few years now, and I've never been anything but extremely satisfied. First, for the capabilities available in MailerLite, it simply isn't possible for me to find a better-priced system. I love that I have no limits at my current price point. (Aside from the number of my subscribers!) Second, those capabilities are pretty dang robust. I can create welcome automations. Automations related to the products I sell. Automations for people who don't want to hear about certain products. Automations for people who *do* want to hear about them. And so on. I can even create "thank you" automations for customers. Third, their customer service is top of the line. I was a bit reluctant to leave my previous email service provider because their customer service was so good. (Unfortunately, that was really their only outstanding quality.) MailerLite's customer service is as good as theirs, if not better, AND I have a really powerful system that can do almost anything I could want. Fourth, they listen to their customers and are constantly improving their features. So even if they don't have *every* feature I might want, I'm pretty confident that they will eventually.

What do you dislike about MailerLite?

The only two things I wish MailerLite had that they don't: 1) the ability to embed videos in emails. And to be honest I'm not sure this is even possible, lol. 2) Evergreen countdown timers, although I'm not sure this is something that any email system actually provides. (Maybe a really expensive, high-end one like Drip or Active Campaign.) The only services I'm aware of that offer evergreen countdown timers are very expensive.

What problems is MailerLite solving and how is that benefiting you?

The biggest thing that MailerLite allows me to do is keep in touch with my readers. As a blogger, I can not only share my latest posts with them, I can also reach out to them about promotions for my products. I can share free opt-in offers that lead to opportunities to buy my products. I can even keep in touch with customers after their purchases -- all without being tied to my computer. I love how easy MailerLite has made my email marketing.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jul 14, 2020
Overall Rating:
Shubham R.
Software Test Engineer
"MailerLite: Best Email Marketing Tool With 24*7 Support"
What do you like best about MailerLite?

1) MailerLite is a very cost-effective. 2) One can send 3000 emails per month for free 3) UI is very user friendly. 4) Very interactive mail templates. 5) It has many advanced features.

What do you dislike about MailerLite?

There is no major dislike about MailerLite however some times the speed of sending emails gets slow. Also some times gets crashed without responding.

What problems is MailerLite solving and how is that benefiting you?

MailerLite is a very nice email marketing tool available in the market at a very effective price. We are using it to send newsletters and emails to all our costumers and clients in bulk. It is very helpful in creating campaigns. Email templates of Mailerlite are really very nice. It have also many advanced features like drag and drop. Also, User Interface is very friendly. Designing emails with MailerLite is really very easy as it has very interactive mail templates. With a free account, one can send 9000 emails per month however if you want to send more than that then has to go for a premium account.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Sep 24, 2019
Overall Rating:
Tara C.
Director Of Marketing
"Great Platform for Small Businesses"
What do you like best about MailerLite?

Mailerlite practices simplicity in everything - I've used several email clients over the years, and this one has all of the functionality I'm used to, but in a streamlined platform, and with a pricing structure that actually makes sense on the scale of the small business. They're also transparent about their pricing, unlike some of their competitors, who can be misleading and confusing about how their tiers and such work.

What do you dislike about MailerLite?

While I think the templates are clean and consistent, I have seen more attractive ones on other email platforms. As someone who values a simple layout, though, I've found that what is available still suits my needs and gets me where I need to be. Just make sure you consult a designer (let's be honest, it's a good idea regardless).

What problems is MailerLite solving and how is that benefiting you?

I have a list that's around 3,000. When I was making a decision, it was mainly focused on finding a tiered pricing system that didn't gouge me, and allowed for a bit of growth. So my initial problem was cost. Beyond that, though, I've loved the split testing options. I'm in marketing, so I know how important it is to test your assumptions and language. I've found that to be one of the benefits I've loved the most.