Kissmetrics is a customer engagement automation platform that provides analytics and insights into user interactions with websites and applications. It focuses on tracking the behaviors of individual users across devices to help businesses understand and optimize customer experiences and conversion rates.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Ease of use |
Deployment | Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based |
Support | Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base |
Training | Documentation |
Languages | English |
The value of their webinars on analytics and B2B selling, this is the main feature I use with Kismmetrics at the moment.
Sometimes I receive too many email invitations from kissmetrics.
Learning more about analytics, to ensure we are fully utilizing our analytics tools to understand our audience for demandgen.
Kissmetrics is a great tool for analytics, especially if you're looking to see in-depth insight on visitor journey instead of just visitor figures and pageviews.
Not much, though the price can be a bit too high for some businesses (especially small businesses/small brands).
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Kissmetrics was one of the first analytics platforms to really focus their attention on individual visitors rather than page views. In doing so, they allow marketers to understand the visitor's journey and provide a better experience.
Kissmetrics can be a little pricey for some small businesses, and not all businesses need to spend additional money on online analytics.
Not provided
Kissmetrics is easier to use than Google Analytics if you are trying to create funnel metrics. We were able to quickly assign URL's to specific funnels to test out the conversions
There can be a bit of a learning curve at first - it is pretty overwhelming, and you can suffer from analysis paralysis as a result. It does take a lot of effort and time to set up
We are a memberships business - and we are always trying to find a way to test out different campaigns to find the most efficient path for someone to become a member. This allows to see how our tests are performing
The best thing about Kissmetrics is the combination of power and flexibility that it provides. Once you figure out how to set up and run reports, you can get valuable insight into all kinds of actions that take place on your site and track important conversion data. There are other tools that do this, but none that work quite the way Kissmetrics does (at least not that I'm aware of). Overall, the best thing about Kissmetrics is that it allows to do data-driven marketing better, and we simply have not seen another tool that could be a one-to-one replacement for it on the market.
It's not particularly intuitive and the learning curve is steep. You'll need to spend some time learning how to use it in order to get real value from it. The UI isn't particularly easy to get around either, and there are some other small quality-of-life improvements that could be made that aren't in the product right now. The ability to email data exports to more than one user account, for example, would be a major convenience.
We're solving problems around tracking and measurement that would be difficult to solve without it. The primary benefit we've seen is that we're able to track conversion rates all the way down the funnel in a way that yields incredibly valuable insights that we can then use to guide all kinds of decision-making. Without Kissmetrics, it would be tough to know exactly which content and URLs are driving which actions that are specifically turning into leads and sales.
Infоrmаtіоn hаs аlwаys bееn а kеy tо suссеss іn аlmоst еvеry dееd. Sо іn busіnеss іt іs сruсіаl, bеfоrе sеllіng yоur рrоduсt tо thе сustоmеrs yоu must hаvе еnоugh іnfоrmаtіоn whеthеr thеy nееd іt аt аll оr nоt, аnd іf yеs yоu nееd dеtаіls аnd sо оn, аnd аll thіs іnfоrmаtіоn yоu саn gеt thrоugh yоur wеbsіtе thаnks tо Kіssmеtrіx. As реорlе whо сrеаtеd thе wеbsіtе thrоugh thе оutsоurсіng соmраny wе dоn’t hаvе оur оwn рrоgrаmmеrs, nеvеrthеlеss, wе nееdеd sоmеhоw tо fіgurе оut hоw еvеrythіng wоrks hеrе аnd hоnеstly іt wаs nоt vеry еаsy, but thе реrsоn frоm thе suрроrtіng tеаm рrоvіdеd us wіth thе рrоfеssіоnаl hеlр
I wіll nоt tаlk аbоut sоmеthіng rеаlly bаd іn thіs systеm, аt lеаst bесаusе I hаvе nоt fоund аnythіng lіkе thіs yеt. Hоwеvеr, sоmе fеаturеs I wоuld rеаlly wаnt tо bе rеаlіzеd hеrе.
Engаgіng оur vіsіtоrs tо stаy аt оur wеbsіtе fоr thе lоngеr реrіоd оf tіmе tо іnсrеаsе thе сhаnсеs tо соnvіnсе thеm tо buy bесаmе rеаl аftеr I gаthеrеd thе іnfоrmаtіоn аbоut thе nееds оf thіs реорlе. Thіs іs nоt sераrаtе sоftwаrе fоr thе sресіаl sеgmеnt оf thе busіnеss, nо. Dо yоu hаvе а wеbsіtе аnd vіsіtоrs? If yеs thеn just buy thіs рrоduсt аnd stаrt bооstіng thе flоw оf yоur сlіеnts rіght nоw thе sаmе аs wе dіd. I саn sаy thаt wе wеrе wаndеrіng іn dаrknеss bеfоrе mееtіng thе systеm whісh bесаmе thе lіght fоr us fоr оur sіtuаtіоn, рrоblеms, dіrесtіоns оf thе futurе dеvеlорmеnt аnd stuff lіkе thіs.
How easy it is to set up events, properties, and reports. That's very important, because with other tools I've tried things became so complex, that you're not encouraged to dig deeper. The ease with which you can set up these things with Kissmetrics makes that you'll easily measure various aspects. The barrier is not high.
The support for Single Page Applications is limited. Because of this, we still needed involvement of our developers to set it up. Besides that, I haven't run into something I didn't like.
Answer: where do our best customers and signups come from? And how do they behave in our app? It helps us optimize our app in a more focused manner.
The two main things why I recommend Kissmetrics are: 1. How easily you can change from first touch to last touch attribution. It has never been so easy to discover the origin of a visit versus assisted conversions. 2. How you can fully understand groups of users behavior with the populations' report.
The fact that everytime you want to export a report (which you do most of the time), you need to wait for an email. This makes things super slow.
We are understanding our user's behavior in the app, this makes it easier to take desitions about where to go next.
KISSmetrics is the ultimate way for digital marketers to track their progress. Often other tools don't dive in depth on how campaigns are working, or not. With KISSmetrics marketers can easily show clients or team members how campaigns have impacted the business.
It does take some poking around to get a feel for the software. There's lots of data to sift through and if it's not set up correctly it can be difficult to locate what you need. When there's multiple campaigns and tracking going on it can become very difficult to keep track of what's going on. It's beneficial to perform some housekeeping, which is time consuming.
With all the detailed data we are able to provide clients with some excellent reports. How many people actually review the CRO reports is another question. However, in house the digital marketing reports have proven very helpful.
The funnel reports are easy to build and provide a tonne of value. Also the 'user path' reports are awesome but locked to pro users only. It's very easy to set up, especially if using or similar service.
The dashboard frequently takes a long time to load, and occasionally hangs (does not load at all).
More visibility into our conversion funnel.. from a visitor on our website to a paid user. Using Kissmetrics allows us to identify common traits with cohorts of users... this is extremely valuable to us.
We use Kissmetrics to understand how individual visitors interact with the learning resources on our site to help them build digital marketing strategies. Through knowing how individuals interact we can use the API to integrate with our Marketing Automation system to score leads and follow-up with email or phone conversatons.
There is a fee compared to the free version of Google Analytics, but we think it's worthwhile for the insights that we get. As with all SaaS there may be some downtime, but we don't find this a problem in practice.
We also use Kissmetrics for business reporting - our financial performance from different member plans. We also use it for Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO). For, not only are we able to increase traffic to basic membership by 214% but we now have ways to increase our monthly recurring revenue significantly by converting more free members to paid.
It was very easy to implement on our e-commerce. Anyone can do it, just read all the information the Kissmetrics has before tryng to do anything.
Answers from support take a while. Lack of support in portuguese (Brazil)
As we are a start-up and short of people, we wanted to use as easy way to collect data to drive some of our decision and understand better our business.
Having person-level insights into marketing ROI and behavior that can be tracked all the way back to an A/B test.
The interface can be a little buggy at times, but not to the overall detriment of the product.
Tracking long-term ROI on marketing campaigns and A/B tests.
What I like best about Kissmetrics is its reliability as an analytics tool. We mess with a lot of data that needs to be aliased between users, with a lot of properties and yet, when some other tools fail to do that, Kissmetrics manage to handle all of this very well. I usually go to Kissmetrics if I need the real numbers.
It can become really messy and complicated, especially when it uses specific terms that are not very explicit (e.g "Power reports"). The UX is probably to the most effective and therefore the learning curve is a bit high at first.
Performance issue and data extraction for the sales team. Kissmetrics allows us to get the real numbers and provide export features that quickly actionable.
Easy to use, good reports. I think the product works well for us.
Nothing that I can think of. So far I have gotten what I need from it.
It is great at giving correct numbers and charts to our sales team about their clients account usage.
- Is able to store large amounts of data - Pleasant user interface - Powerful exports - Great for monitoring A/B tests or simply counting the number of times certain user events happened between two dates - Live event stream feature
- Zero integrations with dashboard services like Geckoboard, Leftronic and others - I want to plot different kinds reports on dashboards! - The different types of reports and how to use them is unintuitive and confusing to new users. I am an engineer using the product to track the usage of certain features. - Sometimes the numbers you see in the reports look wrong and it's hard to explain where the data is coming from - No way to track the number of event occurrences over time without manually making a bunch of power reports
We are a SaaS software and need to track how are features are used, how are A/B tests perform, how are the conversion rates look like.
The custom Event tracking to measure conversions and other on page events is very very helpful!
Still a little hard to use as if a form submission is through AJAX Kissmetrics doesn't support the event.
We're interested in knowing how visitors coming to our site are converting. Easy to track people.
KISSmetrics tracks at a person level, putting you in your customer's shoes and understanding them better.
One drawback of KISSmetrics is the lack of a comprehensive automated reporting. Users still have to login to the dashboard.
We are trying to find out how are customers interacting with our car classifieds portal, and how to make users convert better. We realized that specific search terms yield exponential results due to the nature of the search function, and also how some users have no specific model in mind and are browsing based on a budget constraint.
Compared to all other analytics tools I used, Kissmetrics offers the best insights for the lowest effort. Reports are easy to build, metrics are presented in a clear dashboard with historical data. Segmenting reports on customer properties makes it easy to do simple attribution for marketing campaigns or A/B variations.
Some reports have been there for 4 years now, and have not been updated. Funnel reports can only be filtered on an exact matching style, and with one filter only. This means going deep into the data gets quite painful. And as a SaaS business, not having account handling (bundling n users in one organisation) makes it difficult to match our business model.
We have started to understand our users conversion points, act on them and see improvements. However getting knee deep in the data you sometimes realise that between correlation and causality there is a huge gap, and Kissmetrics does not offer an indicator of confidence.
At a glance metrics on our customized dashboard. I can simply login and feel the pulse of the company.
I would like the ability to integrate with other platforms we use such as intercom and Fastspring - to have all of our platforms talking to each other. It gets frustrating when there are discrepancies between data.
We are able to effectively track conversion rate trends, all critical SaaS metrics, and user behavior. This allows us to make intelligent business decisions to grow the business.