SaaS Magic Number Calculator

Calculate your SaaS Magic Number below by providing your current quarter revenue, previous quarter revenue, and sales & marketing expenses of the previous quarter.

What is your revenue for the current quarter?
What was your revenue for the previous quarter?
What were your sales and marketing expenses for the previous quarter?

Your SaaS Magic Number is:


Magic Number Calculator FAQ

What is the SaaS Magic Number?

The SaaS Magic Number is a metric that measures the efficiency of a SaaS company's sales and marketing efforts in driving revenue growth. It helps in understanding how effectively the company is using its sales and marketing spend to grow revenue.

How do I calculate the SaaS Magic Number?

The SaaS Magic Number is calculated by subtracting the previous quarter's revenue from the current quarter's revenue, and then dividing the result by the sales and marketing expenses of the previous quarter. The formula is: SaaS Magic Number = (Current Quarter Revenue - Previous Quarter Revenue) / Sales & Marketing Expenses of the Previous Quarter

What does the SaaS Magic Number indicate?

A SaaS Magic Number above 1 indicates that the company is growing efficiently, with each dollar spent on sales and marketing generating more than a dollar of new revenue. A Magic Number below 1 suggests less efficient growth, indicating the company may need to optimize its sales and marketing strategies.

What are some strategies for improving the SaaS Magic Number?

Improving the SaaS Magic Number can be achieved by optimizing sales and marketing processes, improving lead conversion rates, enhancing customer retention, and focusing on high-value customer acquisition. Efficient allocation of sales and marketing budgets can also contribute to a better Magic Number.