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Google Cloud Logo
Google Cloud
Up to $200,000 in credits
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Value: Up to $200,000
folk Logo
30% off all plans for 1 year
Category: CRM Software
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Value: Up to $140
SendPulse Logo
15% off all plans
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Value: $$
Pixpa Logo
Get 50% off on annual plans
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Value: Up to $150
Anyword Logo
Special Offer: 20% discount coupon
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Value: Up to $837
Segment Logo
$50,000 in credits for 1 year
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Value: $50,000
Retool Logo
$25K in Retool credits
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Value: $25,000
GanttPRO Logo
Up to $3,000 in credits
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Value: Up to $3000
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I've been using Findstack for a few months now and I've already saved hundreds of dollars on software I was going to buy anyway!

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I love the variety of deals on Findstack. It's a one-stop shop for all my software purchases.

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Recommend it to all my fellow founders, great deals and great service.

Joe C.

Love the concept. As a bootstrapped startup, I'm always looking for ways to save money and Findstack Deals has been a lifesaver.

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One of the best decisions I've made this year was to sign up for Findstack. Highly recommend it.

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I've used already 3 deals and saved over $500. I'm a happy subscriber.

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Bought a lifetime deal on Findstack and it's already paid for itself, while new deals keep coming in.

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Can't believe I didn't know about Findstack earlier. I've saved so much money on new tools for my business.

Charlotte E.

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